
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Confirm this manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press or submitted elsewhere
  • Confirm the research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to legal requirements of the study country
  • Confirm you have removed author names to allow anonymous review
  • Confirm you have disclosed any conflict of interest
  • Confirm you have acknowledged any grant funding sources
  • Confirm you have seen, read, understood and agreed with HRER guidelines on copyright and privacy
  • Confirm you have obtained permissions for the use of any third-party material used 


    I have not used any third-party material for which formal permissions is required
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • Confirm authorship of the paper is accurately represented. This includes ensuring that all individuals credited as authors participated in the actual authorship of the work and that all who participated are credited and have given consent for publication

Author Guidelines


All new submissions to HRER  should be made here:  

There you will find a link  ‘Submit an Article’. We advise you to look at the ‘Instructions for Authors’ page before submitting.  It is a 2-step process. First you will need to register, and then you can submit.  


Preparing your paper: author guidelines

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to HRER. These guidelines will ensure we have everything we needed to take your paper through peer review, production and publication. Please read them carefully and follow them as closely as possible, to ensure your paper matches our requirements.

Manuscript specifications

All material submitted for publication must conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2010). Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with 2.54cm (1-inch) margins on all sides. All manuscripts should be sent with an abstract of 150 words maximum. The title should normally not exceed 15 words. The first text page of the article should have the complete title, but no list of the authors. Subsequent pages should carry only a running head. Subheads should be used at reasonable intervals to signpost lengthy texts. Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out at first mention.  Pages should be numbered consecutively. The text of manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words (including abstract, appendices, notes, reference list, and tables/charts).

Author Identification

The first-named author or the corresponding author should submit a complete address, telephone number and electronic mail address.

Notes and References

HRER does not use footnotes or endnotes. Necessary explanations or amplifications of textual material must be integrated in the main body of text. 

The reference list contains only those references cited. 


Do not include headers or footers. These will be added by the editors.

Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file (Word).


  1. Main Body—12 pt. Times

Proofread your manuscript.

When possible, there should be no pages where more than a quarter of the page is empty space.

Indent all paragraphs except those following a section heading.

Do not insert extra space between paragraphs of text with the exception of long quotations, theorems, propositions, special remarks, etc. These should be set off from the surrounding text by additional space above and below.

All text should be left-justified (i.e., flush with the left margin—except where indented).


Your manuscript should be compiled in the following order:

  • title page
  • abstract
  • keywords
  • main text:
    • introduction
    • materials and methods
    • findings
    • discussion
    • conclusions
  • references
  • table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages)
  • figure(s) with captions
  • acknowledgments
  • declaration of interest statement

Word limits

Research papers submitted to HRER should normally be between 5,000 - 8,000 words. This limit includes references, tables, figure captions and any endnotes. Please include a word count for your paper.

A book or media review should generally be around 1,000 words.

A book review article (addressing more than one book) should be no more than 3,000 words.

Style guidelines

Please use British spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript (…ise).

Use single quotation marks, except where 'a quotation is "within" a quotation'. Long quotations (more than three lines) should be indented without quotation marks.

Reference style: APA

Please prepare your paper using the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style. See our APA reference style guide (PDF 376K).

For detailed information, see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition (2010);

We recommend that when DOIs (digital object identifier) are available, you include them for both print and electronic sources.

Using third-party material

You must obtain permission to reuse third-party material in your paper. Using short text extracts is usually permitted, for the purposes of criticism and review, without formal permission. If you wish to include any material in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, you need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.

Submitting your paper

Please note that Human Rights Education Review uses software to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to HRER you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer review and production processes.

We strongly recommend that you keep a copy of your submitted manuscript and your accepted manuscript.

  • When entering the submission's metadata (author details), please include all authors’ full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses on the metadata. Where available, also include social media handles (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn). One author needs to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF and the online article.
  • Please supply a short biographical note for each author when entering the submission's metadata. It should be brief (no more than 75 words).
  • Include a non-structured abstract of no more than 140 words.
  • Include 3-6 keywords.
  • Funding details. Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows: For single agency grants: This work was supported by the[Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx]. For multiple agency grants: This work was supported by the [funding Agency 1]; under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency 2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency 3] under Grant [number xxxx].
  • Tables should present new information, not duplicate what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
  • Please include a statement that your work has not previously been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Please include a statement that your research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to legal requirements of the study country.
  • Please include a statement that you have disclosed any conflict of interest.

No publication charges

There are no submission fees or page charges for publication in HRER.

When we accept your paper for publication in HRER, you retain copyright. Copyright allows you to protect and promote your work, and stop others from using your work without your permission. We wish to support you in promoting your work and enabling you to reach the widest possible audience. In agreeing to publish your work in HRER, we ask you to undertake to acknowledge in any future re-publication, online or in print, that this paper was first published in Human Rights Education Review, and to provide full bibliographic details. 

Any further questions?

Please contact Marta Stachurska-Kounta

Research articles

This peer review form is to be used for all submissions to the Articles section

Privacy Statement

Human Rights Education Review is committed to respecting data-protection regulations. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.