Art, human rights activism and a pedagogy of sensibility: the São Paulo Human Rights Short Films Festival-Entretodos


  • Eduardo C. B. Bittar University of São Paulo



This article discusses ways in which the São Paulo human rights short film festival-Entretodos developed between 2013 and 2016. It considers the festival from the perspective of a coordinator and promoter, discussing its achievements within the socio-political context of this global city, and of Brazil more broadly, where there has been resistance to advances in human rights culture (HRC). Data from the festival gave rise to an analysis of the relationship between art and emancipation, which is presented here from a philosophical perspective. The author illustrates how the experience of hosting a human rights short film festival in São Paulo has led to the development of a municipal human rights education (HRE) policy and to the conviction that art and citizenship, including learning for citizenship, human right and conviviality, can go hand-in-hand. The article argues for a pedagogy of sensibility, which centres learners’ humanity, as an approach to HRE.


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Author Biography

Eduardo C. B. Bittar, University of São Paulo

Eduardo C. B. Bittar is Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and General Theory of Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo, USP) Brazil. He was President of the National Association for Human Rights (ANDHEP, 2009-2010). He was visiting professor at the Università di Bologna, Italy in 2017 and visiting professor at the Université Paris-Nanterre in 2018, and at the Collège de France in Paris, France,  in 2019. He is Member of the Research Group Human Rights, Democracy, Politics and Memory of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA/ USP). He is Associate Editor of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law.


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How to Cite

Bittar, E. C. B. . (2020). Art, human rights activism and a pedagogy of sensibility: the São Paulo Human Rights Short Films Festival-Entretodos. Human Rights Education Review, 3(1), 69–90.



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